Why do relationships fail? What are the causes? Let’s look at the causes of relationship failures and what to do about it?

1. Lack of communication: Communication can break or make a relationship. Communication is so vital for a relationship that it can’t be stressed enough. Without communication, doubts take place of faith and fights conquer the love. Hence lack of communication is the main factor in relationship failures.
2. Petty fights: Often we fight about something that is not important to either f the partners. Relationships are like sea-saws where one partner is up at one time and the other partner the other.. When we fight over petty things we need to find out what is more important, the thing or the human being.
3. Self centeredness or selfishness: At times we are so wrapped up in ourselves that we seldom realize that the other person also wants something from us. We are bothered about our pains and problems and sometimes forget our partner too. We need to step into the other person’s shoes and see their point of view
4. Egoistic attitude: This problem is with men more than women. Men think its beneath them to be concerned about their partners. Some of them feel that they will be labeled as “hen pecked” if they are too sensitive to their spouse. As a result they become dominating and cold to their partners and relationships fail.
5. Impotency issues: Erectile dysfunction also kills a relationship. Men do not want to reveal that they are unable to perform and hide behind ego, anger and excuses. As a result their partners become disillusioned and walk away. These days there are many solutions like Buy Vigrx and Vigrx which can cure this problem at a lower cost.
Nowadays, men and women are no longer dependent upon each other. Relationships are a matter of choice and not compulsion. Hence, understanding the other person and accepting the other person is important. That is the secret to a successful relationship.
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