One of the main problems in the long-term relationships such as marriage, to keep the fires. Each pair has been together for over four years, I \ is satisfied, experienced a degree of depression in their relationship.
Having moved past the early stage of marriage where you're hardly keep your hands off each other, of barely Coming Up For Air, and arranging together in bed before 9:00 am on Saturday morning, most couples are in a situation where sex as a mundane activities such as taking out the trash.
Because sex gets the attention it every day, we must never forget what sex should mean in a relationship. We know intuitively that we need to keep sexual relationships in our married life, if we are in relationships that stand the test of time.
In the cut and the direction of a very busy life we live now, a philosophy, can not prevail. Deliberate planning, we tend to apply to our careers, promoting our academic and even our financial health, also need to ensure a successful marriage.
These 10 tips suggest somehow active as you can go on to put fizz back in your marriage:
1st- Share your expectations first sex with each other and work to find common ground. Having lived so long without talking about this important topic, you will be more equal in your answers as you think.
2nd- Understand that even with the expectations is our individual sexuality is not etched in stone: our individual sexual needs and can change as we grow and we must deal with our sexual / emotional baggage that we are exposed to new knowledge on sex. This means that each spouse must be flexible and demonstrate a willingness to compromise to keep other sexually satisfied.
3rd- Be aware that hormonal differences between men and women can cause unusual sexual desire. This may be a test of love and patience and not to keep the interesting and unpredictable.
4th- Have lots of sex, both spontaneous and planned. Research shows that over a pair of connecting sexually, more sex, they want to experience with others.
5th- Do something different outside your normal sexual repertoire. It may be having sex in the shower, in a safe outdoor courtyard or the garage (of course in accordance with the laws of decency), have it in another room of the house, changing sex positions, share a sexual fantasy or spend a night or weekend in a hotel room. This list is not exhaustive. Each of you must be free to allow his imagination to take flight.
6th- Preserving what I call "sexual tension" by knowingly accept withhold sex for a few days or a week (much taking a couple, the better the results). Meanwhile, be free to touch and tease each other without going through or even half. Plan your night to end sexual exploitation and explosions, and I guarantee you that you could wake the neighbors.
7th- Maintain regular date night. Take the effort and dress to impress by making dinners, but also confused the date with a fun way down your hair activities like attending a game or a movie night.
8th- Regular sexual confirmation by telling one another when you've done good work in his bed, or when the action unfolds.
9th- sharing practices open and honest unhappy or dissatisfied with any aspect of the relationship, including sex. Keep your relationship free of debris is essential to maintain intimacy and passion.
10th- As a couple, try to have an orgasm or two with eyes wide open. It is a deliberate act or vulnerability self-revelation that will have your emotional and sexual intimacy to a new level.